Friday 27 January 2012

Owen Jones: Independent

Good news!
Owen Jones has a column in today's Independent.
Fagburn is quite the fan of the baby-faced man.
Why not have a read?; 'Gay people have come a long way – but hatred is still out there'
Even though that is about The Gays - for he is one of them, you know - Mr Jones usually writes about politics in the more formal sense.
Indeed, ever since the publication of his book, Chavs: The Demonization Of The Working Class, last year, Owen has become the go-to guy for fresh, intelligent left-wing comment.
He usually announces the publication of his journalism, as well as his radio, TV and speaking appearances, on Twitter.
He's got so much going on one wonders how he has time to tweet.
It's interesting his column appears in The Independent the week after Johann Hari announced he wouldn't be returning to the paper.
Will Owen Jones be Johann Hari's replacement?
I billy well hope so.

Update: Huge amount of comments under Owen's piece on The Gays. Most are depressing as fuck, even many of the pro-gay ones. Welcome to the World of Stupid!


  1. I'm hoping he doesn't get the Indie job just yet, or if he does, my own writing career skyrockets upwards, otherwise he might be too famous for me to bang.

  2. Can I just say he's a very cute boy and he is looking for nice young man to be his boyfriend.

  3. If you were to be his boyfriend, undoubtedly the best thing about it would be singing "MEEEE AND OOOWEENNN JOOOONNNNESSSS", which I'm pretty sure would never get old.

  4. Maybe not quite the best thing, but endlessly entertaining nonetheless...

  5. He's lovely and his hair looks much better down in that pic than with it sticking up, which exentuates his jailbait looks unfortunately.

    That was a very good piece, I thought - comments underneath slightly depressing.

    Owen Jones FTW!

  6. I think he's a munter myself..

  7. That's not very nice. He's probably reading this.

  8. On the plus side, Fagburn, this shows how you get those hits cranking up through comments. Ask us whether someone's fit or not.

  9. I was only joking Owen!
    I can't wait to not read another one of your books!

  10. I respect him enormously and I'm glad he's doing what he's doing as he's a top writer and very much needed in the current climate.

    I also think he's sex, but only on the proviso he gets rid of the tintin spikey hair.
    I'd like to pet his face while he talks about Aneurin Bevan, is that weird???

  11. I haven't read his book either. Sorry. :(

  12. The Stockport accent is the big drawback that you have to be prepared to overlook.

  13. I particularly hate those arguments making the rounds where someone can justify their bigotry and still be seen to be tolerant.

    Usually something like gays are tolerated but they're still unnatural because they can't procreate in the traditional sense, or because if the whole world was gay we would die out, as if nature can be correct or ethical or that we should only do what's 'natural' like wearing clothes for instance.

    1. Yeah, I hate that natural/unnatural thing they throw at us.
      I mean, if it occurs in nature, then it's "natural", surely? - and I don't mean the fact there are gay penguins, I'm talking about us - we're all part of nature, therefore whatever we do is natural.
      When anyone says something is "unnatural" they immediately reveal themselves to be intellectual SCHLEMIELS!

      And then it's always directed at sexy anal sex.
      To which the response is:
      a) straight people have had sexy bumbum sex since forever
      b) gay people don't just engage in sexy bumbum bum sexy bum sex, we do other tings too
      c) gay women probably less of the bumsex than any other section of the sex-doing public, so it's not even an argument against homosex

      The most depressing fing about being gay is having morons push their shitty defunct brains on us.

    2. Whilst I agree, I wouldn't make the argument because it's fighting on their terms. It doesn't matter whether it's 'natural' or not. Flying in planes isn't natural. The internet isn't natural. Etc.

      It's the same with the 'Born This Way' shite. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not - we should refuse to discuss it along those terms because already you'd be agreeing with them that if you weren't born that way, it'd be wrong. It's shameful apologism and nowt else.

    3. I agree, but but BUT! I'd make the argument that flying in planes and the internet are "natural": these are tools and we're not the only species to fashion tools, we're just more ingenuss in the fashioning of dem tools than any other.
      Everything we do is natural purely because we do them, is my finking.
      Though my brain has turned to mush through copious and sustained masturbation, admittedly. :(

  14. Are there any animals that use sex toys or sex aids?
    Bonobo monkeys? They're filthy!

    1. I googled "animals sex aid", but the results all seem to be about using animals as a sex aid. :(

      I can't believe a monkey hasn't at some point in history looked at a banana and thought "Hmmm...", haha.

  15. "Orangutans are especially inventive. They make dildos of wood and bark."

    1. In a million years time - when the Planet of the Apes scenario inevitably comes to pass - Orangutans will be fighting for gay rights all over again.
      History repeats itself, over and over... :'(

      PS - we've gone from Owen Jones to futuristic gay Orangutan sex in 20 comments.
