Wednesday 25 January 2012

Drug Laws: Drug Delusions

"As a country, we look back in horror now at the delusions of other eras – when it was illegal to be gay, for instance, or when women could not vote. Yet we do not stop and see that we are living through another one. Decriminalisation would end the violent illegal drug trade; drug treatment and prescription for addicts would prevent them from committing crime. Both measures would make gigantic savings on the cost of policing and imprisoning offenders, and on clearing up the consequences of their actions. They would also end the outrage of people being locked up for the crime of seeking mostly harmless fun. It's our laws that are destroying lives."

Leo Benedictus in an excellent piece in The Guardian on the changes to sentencing guidelines for drug users and "dealers".
I've never understood the idiotic hypocrisy of gay men who don't think other people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their own bodies.

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