Sunday 3 June 2012

Russell Tovey: The Uncrowned King Of BBC3

'A recent survey by Equity found that many gay actors still find their sexuality a hurdle when going up for castings; Tovey was recognised as one of few openly gay actors able to play almost exclusively straight roles.
'Describing himself as one of many “blokey gays” who don’t fit the stereotype of being camp and flamboyant, he says: “You get these guys who are really blokey one day and then six months after they’ve come out, they’re suddenly wearing crop tops and going sibilant. It’sss. All. Like. Thisss,” he says. “I don’t want to go sibilant.”
'In March, Tovey and his Him & Her co-star Sarah Solemani won best comedy performance at the Royal Television Society Awards for their roles. Praised for the on-screen chemistry he shares with Solemani, Tovey is proud to be able to defy expectations.
'Does he think of himself as a role model? “You can’t decide to be a role model. I think just by saying I’m gay and that people in the industry are offering me straight roles and audiences are happy with it, that’s enough for me. By the time I’m 40, I’ll probably play a northern, embittered drag queen.'

Russell Tovey interviewed in The Times - by luck he's just done something for Sky Arts
It's certainly an interesting paradox that one of the few out actors is usually cast in straight roles - the Equity survey suggested gay actors feared getting typecast and only being offered gay roles.
But then the adorable Mr Tovey is a "blokey gay". 
"The Uncrowned King of BBC3" is the Times' phrase, not mine, by the way.
He's also asked if it's true he was going out with Gok Wan - he wasn't.
I missed that rumour.

PS Here's a rather curious/amusing comedy thing he did with Rob Brydon that hinges on him being a "straight-acting" gay man".


  1. She's as camp as fuck in private. Guaranteed.

  2. Replies
    1. Not just in bed, but I bet he's a bottom and screams like a big girl's blouse while being rogered by even-straighter-acting men.

      "It's difficult to act straight with a cock in your mouth" - Boy George (I think)

      (they always focus on the fact he's gay/butch and gets lead roles, but no one ever mentions the fact that he must be one of the least conventionally attractive - though still fookin hawt, obvs - actors who gets lead roles)

  3. Nope. RT's a top. And his agent turned down the script for "Weekend" so it's clearly no coincidence that's he's been doing straight roles since becoming a bit of a name.

  4. Thought he was dating one of Streisand's backing vocalists!
