Thursday 7 June 2012

Bradley Manning: So It Goes

Bradley Manning was in court again yesterday - the first of a three-day hearing.
The judge has now doubled the number of future pre-trial hearings from three to six.
After persistent requests the defence has finally been allowed to see official documents assessing the potential damage WikiLeaks has had on "US interests".
Supporters (Yo! like me fuck, objectivity and that) argue the leaks helped trigger pro-democracy uprisings in north Africa and the Middle East.
The trial proper is due September - two years and two months after Bradley was charged.
That's if you think Bradley Manning being paraded in some sub-Orwellian kangaroo jury-less military tribunal stroke Stalinist show trial can be considered a "trial" in any meaningful sense of the word. 
The whole thing is so stupid I can't breathe.

PS Obviously the real story here is that Manning looked "gaunt and frail".