Saturday 23 June 2012

David Starkey: Blah Blah Blah

"Gay activists mock the supposed hypocrisy of the Church. It was founded, they jeer, to enable Henry VIII to marry whomsoever he wished: what therefore is its moral authority for resisting the sincere desire of gay men and women to ratify their union by marrying in the sight of God – or at least in the eyes of the State?
"As it happens, I am torn. As an atheist gay who regards marriage as part of the baggage of heterosexual society which I have come to respect but can never fully share, I am tempted to say a plague on both your houses. As a conservative and a patriot, however, I am aware – and increasingly so – of the value of established institutions and suspicious of the levelling equality which dissolves them and atomises society. Above all, as an historian I believe in getting things right..."

Disgraced racist gay Tory windbag David Starkey writing in the Daily Telegraph.
He - somewhat idiosyncratically - thinks the equal marriage debate is about "whether gays can legally call each other Mr and Mrs."
His article - which cites obscure acts of parliament, bobbins church declarations and arcane royal tittle-tattle - is every bit as bum-achingly boring as I recall history lessons being at school.
After much careful thought, Mr (Mrs?) Starkey decides to side with the establishment and support the status quo.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Starkey lost her temper at #EdFest yesterday after being called a tax-dodging racist by Laurie Penny.
