Thursday 14 June 2012

IDF: Pinkwashing

"It's Pride Month. Did you know that the IDF treats all of its soldiers equally? Let's see how many shares you can get for this photo."

Photo and quote from the Israeli Defence Force Facebook page.

"When I get through a hard day killing Palestinian kids and bulldozing peace activists to death there's nothing I like more than walking down the street with my boyfriend. In fact I'm so proud you can only see the back of our heads. But that may be because we're not a real couple, just a propaganda exercise..."


  1. Short hair, nattering away on her mobile, army gear - GAY!

  2. And yet they have heads. Not gay confirmed.

  3. Eyeless in Gaza ;)

  4. Pinkwashing is a term employed by homophobes. Why pick out Israel for its good record on gay rights rather than the whole gamut of human rights?

    1. 'Pinkwashing is a term employed by homophobes. Why pick out Israel for its good record on gay rights rather than the whole gamut of human rights?'

      Pinkwashing is a term employed by gay men.
      I picked them out for their oppression of Palestinians.
      Can you read?

    2. "Pinkwashing is a term employed by gay men."

      It's a term devised by cynical and often homophobic leftists to goad guilty liberal gay westerners into supporting nations such as Palestine and Iran where both the state and the population habitually persecute, torture, imprison and murder gay people.

      It's a term devised to make gay people know their place down the pecking order and tactitly acknowledge their fundamental inferiority to other more deserving left wing causes - while giving them a pat on the head for being so noble and helpful.

      And as you've proudly and foolishly demonstrated, for some people it really works.

  5. I note you haven't yet put up my comment about Pinkwashing and human rights issues in Israel, and the link to this article:

    It's been nearly a whole day now. Why the delay?

  6. If you're suggesting that gay men can't be homophobes, two words: Andrew Pierce

    And here's another: Fagburn

  7. Actually, reports [googles] are it was a fake. Haven't heard that Dan Littauer was involved though, yet, waiting on word from Scotty, praise be upon him.

    NB, your latest reports seem to be, fine point, even more 'ranty'? Wassup dude? Worn tshity, been there etc. Empathy. Patsy hug.
