Friday 29 June 2012

One Direction: Well Done Lads

The Irish Sun.


  1. I know it may be purely for publicity, but i do think it does reflect in some ways what some have said recently - reported on Fagburn - about there being more school boys and a bit older being far more affectionate and touchy-feely these days.
    Though the importance of this (in terms of gay acceptance in school boys) may obviously have been over-stated somewhat and the fact homophobic bullying in schools is still extremely higher (higher?) sort of puts it all into a broader context.

    But, anyway, I fucking love this sort of thing - partly a mild sexual attraction to such shows of affection but mostly the beauty of it just makes me a little weepy (considering i never experienced any kind of gay acceptance in school, quite the opposite - and any displays of such (even if they weren't sexual or gay) were certainly not a given thing.

    But mostly, I have developed a "thing" for Harry and think he's wonderful - so any kind of kissing or affection between him and other boys is just incredibly beautiful, to me. :'(

    I like One Direction a lot - wouldn't bother much with their music.
    But I like them and what they do and - hopefully - their example in this regard is a good thing to most of their fans and will have a positive effect on things.
    I hope so - I think it will... :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My top showbiz mate Mark Mccormack

  3. I was thinking, there is one thing that makes me a little sad about One Direction and the current state of things in general: and that's while this kind of gay suggestion and male-male affection plays really well to both their gay fan-base (obvs) and their (much larger) teenage female fan-base, it's sad that the one almost-certainly gay member of 1D can't come out and there can't really be any overt suggestion of poovery in the group, because that probably wouldn't play well to that female fan-base at all (quite the contrary).

    Maybe. I don't know, really... :)
    I like suggestiveness, anyway - i think it's far sexier than the sort of overt cocks out wrestling in jam shite that Take That used to cynically pull the gayers in (hot and welcome as it was).

  4. I wish I was a 31 year old married woman just so Harry would fuck me. :'(

  5. A bunch of prepubescent boys that dont know how to form two real sentences in their heads on their own volition.

  6. These are prepubescent kids that cant form two sentences in their head on their own velution without some proding from someone behind them with a wire strung to their testies. When they want them to speak they pull their strings.
