Sunday, 4 March 2012

Marriage: The Moral High Ground

To which one replies with three words...
Massive paedophile cover-up.
Cheers. Thanks for your input.
I really care what you Catholic church dudes think about this.
Anyone who believes in God and miracles deserves to be listened to, too - in no possible way are you delusional and/or mad.
I don't understand why anyone gives professional conmen like this the time of day, never mind putting the stupid things they say on the front page. 
I'm still away til Monday, by the way, but this is so totally fucking ridic, an absolute avalanche of lies and hate.
I was in a foul mood already this weekend, now I feel like punching a nun. 
The phrase "the tyranny of tolerance" says it all - how very fucking Christian.
If Jesus wasn't one big joke, he'd think that you're a cunt. 
And if Cardinal Keith O'Brien thinks (straight) marriage is so great, why hasn't he had one himself?
I wish there really was a hell just so I could watch you BURN.
The Roman Catholic Church is the world's biggest paedophile ring, a billion dollar racket that trades in misery and guilt, and preys on the thick and the stupid and gullible - let's ban it before it does any more harm.
Religion is the last refuge of the morally retarded, as you've just proven, cardinal.
It's over, gone, it's obsolete - AND WE WILL BURY YOU. 
Good fucking day!


  1. Doesn't it say in the bible men like him who wear dresses should be stoned to death?

  2. Those were my sentiments exactly as I heard the news this morning. Well - apart from the bonfire stuff :-)

    Gods work, christian thoughts my arse. The Roman Kiddy-Fiddler Church.

  3. Have a gander at another blog that I follow in the US. A sort of American Fagburn with less edge tho.

  4. You don't need to say "less edge" when you've already said "American."

  5. *claps hands*
