Sunday 11 March 2012

Catholic Church: Hate Mail

Sunday is a day when tradition dictates that all good Christians must come together and express their deep hatred of lesbians and gay men.
This Sunday two senior archbishops have asked all Catholic churches to read out a letter on why their congregation must oppose gay marriage.
You may read it here on the Catholic church's own website.
Unfortunately I refuse to use the internet as I consider it a "grotesque" break with tradition and against the natural order.
Is it even worth bothering to repeat how lines like; "The roots of the institution of marriage lie in our nature. Male and female we have been created, and written into our nature is this pattern of complementarity and fertility" sound absolutely laughable when coming from men who have vowed not to get married?
Let us pray no naughty people disrupt any masses today. 
Here endeth today's lesson in medieval bile.

The Sunday Telegraph has a survey today that suggests more people support same-sex marriage (45%) than oppose it (36%).
The number of "don't knows" at 19% seems unusually large for a survey. 
78% said it shouldn't be a priority before the next election, but that doesn't tell us much - beyond perhaps that most people don't really care much about this subject.
The Telegraph also doesn't say how the questions were worded, so proceed with caution, and bear in mind the Telegraph has been on an anti-marriage equality campaign of late.
I'll add these when they appear on the ICM Research website.
The ST has also published a rare pro-gay marriage piece today, titled in typical Telegraph-ese; The case for gay marriage is fundamentally conservative - it will strengthen Britain's social fabric.'
They also publish a leader asking; "Why is the Prime Minister so determined to go against the wishes of Conservative voters on the issue of gay marriage?"
In the name of balance, like.


  1. Can anyone name one other issue the Catholic church has told priests to read out a protest letter about?
