Saturday 10 March 2012

Gareth Williams: A Worrying Theory

The Daily Mirror has another go at cracking the Gareth Williams' case - well it's been a month since The Sunday Times ran the last one.
'In a throwback to the dark days of the Cold War, a worrying theory has emerged about the death of body-in-the-bag spy Gareth Williams'
After a heck of a lot of the usual blather - Was he gay? A transvestite? Was it a bizarre sex game gone wrong? - we hear from one Crispin Black, "an intelligence analyst and former adviser to the Government [who] says the most likely explanation is that Williams was murdered."
Really?!! Do go on...
“The thing has a professional air – it’s neat, it’s tidy, it’s organised,” he said.
“A bath is where you put things if you don’t want any forensic residue to be left behind – because you know where the body’s been and you can clear up after it.”
The breathless Mirror hack informs us; "The fact the body was found locked in a holdall, with the key inside, provides the strongest indication he was executed by a foreign death squad.
"Investigators believe the team were so expert at their deadly trade, they left no obvious signs of the cause of death."
Wait there's more.
An anonymous "security source" is quoted as saying;
“This has all the hallmarks of a state-sponsored assassination. If you’ve got a problem with your codes being broken, the only solution is to remove the codebreaker.
"They’re incredibly hard to replace because they are recruited for having the sharpest mathematical brains.
"There’s always suspicion about the Russians because in many ways the Cold War never completely ended.”
And this has all the hallmarks of pure speculation. 

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