Friday 30 March 2012

Gareth Williams: Without A Clue

Gareth Williams' pre-inquest hearing was finally held today - his body was found in a hold-all in August 2010.
Lawyer Anthony O'Toole told the coroner court; "The impression of the family is that the unknown third party was a member of some agency specialising in the dark arts of the secret services - or evidence has been removed post-mortem by experts in the dark arts."
But the court also heard no DNA or fingerprints were found at the flat, there was no sign of forced entry, and no poison was in his body.
Using Occam's Razor doesn't it sound like there was nobody else involved in Gareth William's death?
If someone wanted to murder him why do it by putting him in a bag - and why naked?
I suppose it's possible he could have been bumped up off by spooks from SMERSH - though we don't know what work he was doing for MI6.
Who knows, maybe Prince Phillip was behind it?
It does seem most likely - seeing as the police literally don't appear to have a clue about any other possible reason - that Williams died during a sex game gone wrong, and his family can't contemplate this?*

* His family have been quoted in the Standard as saying that rumours he was gay were a "Smear campaign... 'Maybe it's the Government or somebody trying to discredit him.'

PS Just read the Mail's hilarious account; "New evidence emerges sparking fresh questions from the victim's family..."
"At a public hearing yesterday, it emerged that the flat may have been swept clean of evidence, with no fingerprints or DNA anywhere."
So the "new evidence" is there there was no evidence?

Update: Another "Eureka!" piece in The Mail On Sunday; 'The woman with THREE identities who could hold key to death of the body-in-the-bag spy'
This is a former flatmate of Williams according to the ever-present "source"...


  1. Operation Codename "Michelle McManus"...Execute.

  2. An open and shut case. :-)
