Friday 16 March 2012

Brian Sewell: On Being Preposterous

"The idea of two men in a marriage is immediately preposterous.
"Marriage or holy matrimony is to those of a Christian faith that is far more securely founded than on only the annual jollity of a midnight mass more than just a word. It is an age-old theological concept, one of many, all interlinked.
"Must the Catholic Church be compelled by ignorant politicians and hoi polloi to share this sacramental term with homosexuals? I am as queer as any of them but I do not much care for my brethren in crass, demanding mood. By all means dress in ridiculous togs, exchange rings and kisses, guzzle Laurent Perrier, bake a cake and dance the night away, but call it a wedding, an Old English term of even older German origin, with nothing theological about it — and leave marriage to those who still believe in its sanctity."

Brian Sewell, The Evening Standard
Or "Brian R Sewell" as Private Eye have aptly dubbed him.
She'll never marry...

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't anyone believing in the sanctity of marriage get married in a church?
