Saturday 31 March 2012

Priest Accidently Shows Gay Porn In Primary School: Oh Father!

'Parents of children at St Mary’s School in Pomeroy, Co Tyrone, were shocked to see gay pornographic scenes on a screen in place of a Holy Communion presentation.
F'ather Martin McVeigh was about to host an advisory Powerpoint presentation for parents on the subject of their children’s imminent Holy Communion event last week but instead displayed shocking gay porn scenes.
It is believed among the 26 parents present, there was also an eight-year-old child at the meeting which came to a halt after the shocking images were shown...
'Fr McVeigh said he was co-operating with police and that he had no knowledge of the offending material. Speaking to the Ulster Herald, Fr McVeigh said: “I don’t know how it happened but I know what happened. There are people making innuendoes who weren’t even there but in this day and age these stories grow.'"

Belfast Telegraph.
I'm sure there's a perfectly innocent explanation for why there was gay porn on his memory stick.
These things are sent to try us, father, etc etc. 
I wonder what he thinks about gay marriage?

PS A story in the Metro about another Carry On clergyman comedy cock-up - a Sheffield vicar apparently having to go to hospital claiming he'd got a potato stuck up his bumbum after falling off his kitchen table putting up some curtains in the nude (as you do etc etc) - has gone viral in the last few days.
This "story" first appeared in The Sun in October 2008.

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