Thursday, 8 March 2012

Evening Standard: Declining Standards...

'Labour’s candidate to be the next London mayor had been due to hold a lavish fundraising dinner with London’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community at the Grand Connaught Rooms next Monday, with tickets starting at £150, and tables at £1,500. But the venue has now had to be changed to the  Shadow Lounge, with tickets starting at just £10, while those wishing to show off can take up the VIP option at £50. Rather than a starchy dinner, comedienne Amy Lamé has been lined up as MC and Labour MP Stephen Twigg will be among the speakers.
'Livingstone’s critics say he is paying the price for saying last month that the Conservative party was “riddled” with homosexuality. Then there was his failure to support the White Swan gay pub in its fight with Tower Hamlets council, which wants to ban its strip night..'

The Evening Standard.
What utter BALLS. 
Not like the Standard has any form on telling lies about Ken Livingstone.


  1. Ken Livingstone was paid to write a column about posh food for The Evening Standard. Later he suggested that someone else who worked for the same paper was like a concentration camp guard. Smacks of hypocrisy to me.

  2. YellowFireSalamander8 March 2012 at 15:31

    I used to like Ken.

    Indeed I used to like Ken very much.

    But when he invited over that islamo-nazi Yusuf al-Qaradawi to have supper, breakfast and lunch with him - the islamo fascist who thinks gays should be killed, women beaten by their husbands and god knows what about those pesky jews- I lost my love for him.

    Ken thinks gays are last decade's thing.

    I shall be, gawd help me, voting liberal in the london mayoral elections.

    If ken were to apologise for supporting homophobic muslims then I might reconsider

  3. Don't think he supported what he says about "gays"...

  4. YellowFireSalamander9 March 2012 at 09:48

    Why did Ken invite the nasty old muslim nazi over here then? Are you seriously saying ken didn't know what the man's opinions were on women, gays and jews? And when he found out shouldn't Ken have publicly repudiated them? Yes of course he should have, but he didn't because the old fraud, the old cynic, was after the muslim vote. Gays were dropped as soon as we became last year's thing and the votes of muslims became more important to him.
