Friday 28 September 2012

Stonewall Awards: Satire Dies Again

Tom Lehrer once famously said satire died when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Today satire may be rolling in its grave after Gay Star News was shortlisted for 'Best Publication' in the Stonewall awards.
I know, basically, every gay publication gets routinely shortlisted, to keep them sweet - the only recent exception being Pink News - cause publisher Ben Cohen has dared to be critical of Stonewall, but this is a joke.
Let's have a quick check of Gay Star News' high journalistic standards.
Let's have a look - just by way of example - at their most recent news story... 

An anti-gay activist group has demanded Russia’s prosecutor general to take action against a milk brand that they allege promotes homosexuality.
Activists also stated that they will picked shops selling milk produced by PepsiCo Inc's Russian subsidiary because they believe that a rainbow on the packaging violates St. Petersburg’s law banning 'homosexual propaganda'.
Reuters reported that the milk product branded, Vesyoly Molochnik, translated as Gay Milkman (although in Russian the word vesyoly does not suggest homosexuality) was deemed to violate the law as it features a rainbow, which the group says is the international symbol for the LGBT movement...

Nice of you to acknowledge Reuters, cause this story is basically cut-and-pasted from this Reuters story below.
Though you could have pointed out the story is a load of inconsequential balls from some self-publicist, but - hey - the gay media should just reprint crap from the straight media, unchallenged, unchecked, unquestioned, cause then it's doing its job, right.  

An anti-gay activist group said it will picket shops selling milk produced by PepsiCo Inc's Russian subsidiary because they believe that a rainbow on the packaging violates a local law banning homosexual "propaganda".
The milk brand is called Vesyoly Molochnik, which translates as Gay Milkman, though in Russian the word vesyoly does not suggest homosexuality. The group said that it was objecting to the rainbow, which it saw as the international symbol for the gay movement...

This is quite general to GSN.
As Roland Barthes would say, interesting parlour game, try Googling any of their "news stories" on Google News and playing spot the difference to all the stuff they've nicked off the straight media - again without questioning its veracity or bias. 
But that, my friends, is clearly award-winning "gay journalism".

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