Sunday 16 September 2012

Julie Burchill: Oh Crap, She's Back!

And it's strange who falls for the moribund lure of retrophilia these days. Of course the Tories – true-blue adulterers and fornicators though they often are – have always been keen on family values and back to basics (which sound like dirt-cheap hypermarkets and are similarly appealing to skinflints). But you have gays, women and even gay women buying into the myth that things were better in the past. Dolce & Gabbana ad campaigns* have long deified the traditional Italian family – though it's interesting to consider how they as proud homosexuals would have fared if such stiflingly conformist families were still the norm. Elton John and David Furnish declare that they do not want their son, Zachary, to be an only child. Lord forbid, he might grow up a right oddball!

Julie Burchill in The Observer.

Quick media studies masterclass...

1. If a journalist calls gay men "gays" and "homosexuals" they are so hilariously out of touch with The Gays that you can dismiss all they say about us as made-up hokum.
2. That is all.

* I think Julie is confusing Dolce & Gabbana ads for ones for Dolmio. Poor love...

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