Tuesday 18 September 2012

Peter Tatchell Foundation: Founded On Lies

Ad running on various UK gay websites. 

There is not a country in the world where people are executed "just for being gay".
If they do, they are clearly making a very bad job of it. 
I don't want anyone to be executed, but anyone who's looked into cases in, say Iran, has noticed they were actually accused of child rape.
Can we stop this sentimental hysterical Orientalist crapola and address what's really going on in the world?

Update: In reply to an email...
"Of course death and violence is a reality for many LGBT around the world, I just think it's offensive, silly and unhelpful to say there is a systematic state-sanctioned murder campaign in any country.
"What exists in law is not always acted out, which is why (for example and as far as I know), no-one was prosecuted for mere bummery in Scotland between 1967 and 1981, when it was finally legalised.
"Sorry, if I come across as a sourpuss sometimes. I do - genuinely - appreciate being pulled up on it."


  1. I don't know whether the Peter Tatchell Foundation has lied about anything, but I do know that Fagburn has told deliberate untruths. Read Fagburn's comments on this post about Hugo Chavez to see an example of him telling lies.


    I'd rather believe Peter Tatchell than proven liar Fagburn

    1. A story I said was a lie - and The Independent later retracted, cause it was a lie.
      Wow, I'm so foolish.



    2. You know perfectly well that I was referring to your comments about Hugo Chavez supporting gay marriage.

      By the way, any details about that referendum yet?

    3. I didn't know that.
      I think Chavez was the first politician who actually put it to a ballot.

  2. You're speaking of the teenage boys who were accused of raping each other?

    1. No, they were accused of raping a younger boy.

  3. Oh dear Richard. You have got it so wrong. So so wrong.

    I work in the Middle East a lot and in Iran too and Tatchell is so right. The ad is so right.

    Sadly another nail in the coffin of Fagburn. You rant and shout like a posessed fool at most of the news so there's little wonder that there is hardly any dialogue on Fagburn.

    Personally I liked the edginess and rebellious nature of Fagburn but the rants and peculiar takes on other news outlets really make you look crazy.

    Drop the craziness and turn up the edginess. You'll get more visitors & more dialogue. And dialogue is what makes the world go round.

    Go for it.

  4. No, that ad is based on a lie.
    Tell me one country where people are hanged "just for being gay"?

    1. Are you making a distinction between "being gay" and having sex? Sounds like you'd be at home with the Christian fundies.

    2. And at home with Gore Vidal.

  5. Iran!

    I do work with Amnesty there and I tell you guys have been hanged for sodomy. But to you perhaps sodomy does not equal gay.

    Sementics have no place in this argument Richard.

  6. You are attacking his character rather than addressing the questions and issues he has put forward.
    "Can we stop this sentimental hysterical Orientalist crapola and address what's really going on in the world?"
    And the laws are not acted out, and Tatchell et al are cherry picking certain countries and setting out a propoganda ad.
    You look for debate and don't address the issues and two of your remarks contradict what equates as being 'gay.'

    1. "And the laws are not acted out, and Tatchell et al are cherry picking certain countries and setting out a propoganda ad."

      Are you telling us this or is this a summary of what you think Fagburn is saying? I'm not clear.

      "two of your remarks contradict what equates as being 'gay.' "

      Which two?

  7. Oldest trick in the book. Say something mildly controversial that will get people's backs up and in come the responses.

    A good way to get some interest in what was a once interesting but increasingly boring and silly blog.

    1. If Fagburn keeps pissing you off yet you keep coming back, I'd say that's a good sign.

    2. I don't remember saying FB pissed me off. I am still amused by the mad ramblings.

  8. Who is the 'You' in Angela Sarah's comment?

  9. It covered all of the above anon.
