Thursday 13 September 2012

Benghazi: Nobody's Innocent

US ambassador to Libya killed in attack on Benghazi consulate
...They are incensed by a film made in America and promoted on YouTube entitled The Innocence Of Muslims that is intended to expose the "hypocrisy" of Islam. It not only portrays the Prophet, which the religion prohibits, but ridicules him as a homosexual and advocate of paedophilia [This appears fleetingly and contradicts the main narrative of him being a serial womaniser. Hard to know, I kept falling asleep - Fagburn], and shows him having sex.
It was apparently made by an Israeli-American businessman and backed by Terry Jones, the fundamentalist pastor who previously threatened to hold public burnings of the Koran... 

Loons versus loons.
NB The Telegraph thinks being "homosexual" is ridiculous.
Ironically, the film is so hand-eatingly awful it could become a camp classic.
It's beyond hilarious for people who believe the Bible is gospel truth to pick holes in The Koran.
Still, a good excuse for more Orientalist racist crap.
Cause Muslims are the new Jews.

PS The involvement of a mad homophobic evangelical Christian.

Update: And the involvement of a gay porn star. Hilarious!


  1. I'm not certain which I have more contempt and disdain for: a religion that is so weak that it bans criticism and dissent, reaching for its fists at every opportunity; religions and (ex-colonial) regimes that cheerfully kill their own in order to further long-term political aims and ambitions; idiot journalists who have no notion of the meanings and values attached to words and phrases.

    "... ridicules him as a homosexual ..."

    "a"? Like an item of furniture?

    "ridicules"? In a rapier-like return I spit upon your Telegraphic ridicules and declare you both to be "self-confessed heterosexuals" of the semi-literate, questionably-legitimate kind.

    Haha! Take that for intentionally value-laden "" language you lexicographically-insensitive, clumsy hacks.

    p.s. You do realise what will now slip so much more deeply into the Western flock-mentality that it can and will now be enshrined in law, don't you? All films will soon have to be censored to make sure that they are not offensive to - and here the phrase they'll use will seem to refer to all religions, but what it'll actually refer to is - islam.

    Orchestrated? Much.

  2. Me no understand what the bum you are bumming about. :(

  3. "Cause Muslims are the new Jews."

    Does that actually mean anything?

    1. Pretty self-explanatory - a new group to demonise and hate.
      Thanks for asking.
