Tuesday 19 October 2010

Gay Teen Suicides: Some Perspective

Is there an "epidemic" of gay suicides in the US?
The most recent statistics I could find are from 2007.
"In 2007, it was the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for 34,598 deaths."
That's like a 9/11 - our new marker of tragedy - every month.
Or close to 100 every day.
The stastics show that gay men and young men are the most likely to commit suicide.
How many young gay men do you think commited suicide today?
It's not some new "epidemic".
Tragically, it's just same as it ever was.
And most go unreported.

PS The cutting above comes from 2001. It goes on...


  1. There is no epidemic. These statistics are false; they count everyone who was killed a sissy or suspected of being gay, as gay. It's based on the homophobic assumption that if someone is picked on or marginalized, he must be attracted to the same sex. Ignore the data.

  2. My point was there is no sudden "epidemic".
    Kids being picked on for being picked on for being different etc is usually a sign of homophopia.

  3. Good point - thank you Fagburn.

  4. @ Coco Rico.
    So true.
    The very idea that gay kids are killing themselves due to homophobic bullying!
    And this silly idea that most kids/people who act gay probably are, in fact, gay.
    These damn gay pinkos and their homophobic attempts to highlight homophobia.
    And, you know, help these kids from "right-wing nutters" who want gay people to go back into the closet (what's so wrong with the closet anyway, I'd like to know!).
    I'm fed up with people telling me that homophobia is a problem and something needs to be done. Either these people are living in the real world or I'm a total nutcase!
    Ignore the "data". Ignore the "facts". Ignore "common sense"!
    God bless you, Coco.
    Ciao, fabulosa!

  5. Yes, a good point.
    Thank you, Fagburn x
