Friday 8 October 2010

"Gay", Anderson Cooper and The Dilemma

Here's a story so packed with irony Fagburn might explode.
Huffington Post reports that Universal have deleted a scene from a trailer for new movie, The Dilemma, which opens with Vince Vaughn's opening line; "Ladies and gentlemen, electric cars... are gay".
(For the record - as you can see - the character then clarifies; "I mean, not homosexual, but my-parents-are-chaperoning-the-dance gay”, though I'm not sure what this changes, or indeed means).
The studio announced; "The teaser trailer for The Dilemma was not intended to cause anyone discomfort," the studio statement said. "In light of growing claims that the introduction to the trailer is insensitive, it is being replaced. A full trailer, which has been in the works for some time, will post online later today."
Anderson Cooper - a CNN presenter with a huge profile in the States - had condemned the use of the phrase in the trailer when he appeared on Ellen to talk about the recent gay teen suicides and anti-gay bullying.
"I was shocked that not only that they put it in the movie, but that they put that in the preview. They thought that it was OK to put that in a preview for the movie to get people to go and see it... I just find those words, those terms, we've got to do something to make those words unacceptable cause those words are hurting kids."
As you can see from the cavalcade of comments on this Queerty thread, rather a lot of gay men in the US think there's a glaring incongruity in Mr Cooper condemning homophobia, while appearing to collude with it by keeping one foot in the closet.
Still when he does come out, Cooper's been gifted a great line to break the non-news.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Anderson Cooper... is gay."


  1. But he's not in the closet!!!!!
    He hasn't denied he's gay and he isn't pretending to be straight.
    I think the Anderson haters are just jealous of his grace and beauty. That's what I think.

  2. That's why I didn't say "Cooper is in the closet."
    I pointedly wrote "appearing to collude with [homophobia] by keeping one foot in the closet."
    He's inherited the Vanderbilt gazillions and is now making a few more, and folk like that don't think they have to play by the same rules as the likes of us, that's what I think.

  3. I think that applies to the vast majority of celebrities, whatever their background.
    Most only seem to come out when they're forced to by the tabloids.

    Fuck them.

    (Still, he is beautiful)

  4. The gay Anna Nicole Smith there...
