Friday, 16 March 2012

Archbishop Of Canterbury Resigns: Gays To Blame

"The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is to resign after a bruising battle with liberals over the future of the Anglican Communion and the issue of homosexuality...
"The Archbishop was appointed largely because of his liberal credentials but disappointed the liberal wing of the Church by siding with conservatives over the issue of gay priests.
"Sources close to Dr Williams said that the final straw was the prospect of defeat over the Anglican Communion Covenant, which was drawn up to find common ground around which the various provinces could unite after the ordination of an openly gay bishop, Gene Robinson, by the US episcopal church..."

The Times.

'Rowan Williams to stand down day after government gives the go-ahead for gay marriage ... so will Britain now have its first black Archbishop of Canterbury?'

Mail Online headline
Whilst part of me wants to think the Mail is drawing a rather spurious link, Williams must have realised what people would read into the timing.
So the race is now on to find his successor.
The Archbishop Of York, John Sentamu?
He's clearly mentally ill, a raging homophobe and publicity whore.
Should be a shoo-in.

1 comment:

  1. Does RW's barber not offer to trim his eyebrows?
