Sunday, 25 March 2012

Gay Marriage: Those Top 10 Journalistic Cliches In Full

1. None of my gay friends want this (Cause I don't have any).
2. Ye olde religion/tradition/children holy trinity - much loved by Robert Mugabe etc.
3. Marriage is rubbish/dying, but if the gays want to...
4. So now saying you oppose gay marriage will be a hate crime.
5. Ye very olde "If you don't like gay marriage, don't have one" increasingly unfunny gag.
6. What next incest/polygamy/animals? (Best avoid this if you're a Christian, seeing as the Bible supports incest and polygamy, as well as genocide, slavery and child rape and loads of other fun stuff. Verily, it's a moral compass which will never date).
7. Another victory for the metropolitan liberal elite.
8. It'll be Cameron's Clause 4/Poll tax/Fox hunting ban.
9. Well, hasn't [insert name of "troubled" straight celebrity] done enough to demean marriage?
10. In 20 years, people will be amazed we were even debating this.
11. Basically, I just hate poofs.
12. That's eleven.

To add to the sheer stunning unoriginality, please illustrate any article with a photo of some groom and groom cake toppers.

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