Sunday, 11 March 2012

Drugs: Just Say "Dunno"

'Moves to criminalise the new wave of synthetic drugs, known as legal highs, appear to have backfired after it emerged that mephedrone is now more popular among clubbers than when it was not banned.
Confirmation comes in a survey of London club-goers carried out by researchers at Lancaster University and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS foundation trust. Published on Monday in the Journal of Substance Use, it assesses the impact of the classification of mephedrone as a class B drug.
'The survey builds on earlier work, conducted one evening in July 2010, three months after the drug was made illegal, which found the popularity of mephedrone had surpassed that of all other drugs, with 27% of people questioned in two gay-friendly south London dance clubs reporting that they had or were going to take it that night.
'The results of the follow-up study, conducted at the same two clubs in July 2011, found mephedrone had become even more popular. On the night the study was conducted, 41% of club-goers said they had taken or intended to take mephedrone that night.
'Gay club-goers are seen as "early adopters" of psychoactive drugs so the researchers claim the findings are likely to have implications for the wider population in the future..."

The Observer
Whilst I'd agree with the main thrust of this that drugs prohibition is pointless, this is pretty daft.
As the survey was conducted at two pretty hardcore gay clubs in Vauxhall thinking it could tell you anything about drug use among clubgoers in general is somewhat fanciful, to say the least.
Gay men often take different drugs to straights and in markedly differently ways.
Have poppers caught on with straight people?
How many gay men at the clubs were on GHB - has that caught on yet?
I could go on...

Update: Here's a summary of the survey's other findings - GHB was the second most popular drug amongst the bumders of Vauxhall that night. 

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