Monday, 19 March 2012

The Sun: Natural's Not In It

Same-sex marriages ... the 
debate is not just within the Church
Baffling cartoon in The Sun to accompany some random - possibly drunken - babbling on gay marriage by Trevor Kavanagh.
Note this is a rare tabloid cartoon where THE GAYS are caricatured as masc butch ever-so manly Desperate Dan types, and not wilting pansies.
Just like the "Gay Nazi" one in the Daily Mail last year.
Subliminal message 1: These people are bullying thugs.
Subliminal message 2: These people are totally ridic.
Subliminal message 3: Natural's not in it.
Kavanagh concludes; "Sometimes, logic can drive you crazy."
This heaven gives me migraine etc etc.

Update: I've only just noticed the cartoon actually shows a bowl of... wilting pansies!
Subliminal message 4...


  1. You are Roland Barthes and I claim my £5!

  2. You omitted to comment on the immense paunch of the man on the right of the picture.

    This might mean he had immense difficulty in connecting with the other man in order to fuck him, and that would explain the parson's "How?"

    That joke works heterosexually as well. I remember an old seaside postcard of a man with an immense paunch and a small boy hidden beneath it, the immensely-paunched man saying, "I can't see my little Willie."

    So, yey, equality.

    Or perhaps the immense paunch has some other significance you have yet to decode.

  3. I interpreted the giant bulging abdomen as deriving from the tabloids' recent obsession with transexuals. The guy on the left is is a man who's pregnant - hence the "How?".

    - matthew davis

  4. Fuck the Sun.

  5. This is almost at their late 1980s standard.
