Friday, 16 March 2012

The Daily Telegraph: A Flame That Never Went Out

"What is being proposed here is not a minor social tweak, but a fundamental redefinition of an ancient institution, partly in order to signify the “modern” values of David Cameron’s Tories. In pursuing this reform, the Government has created a neat, but disingenuous, conceit: namely that if you believe the estate of marriage is a benign and stabilising influence then you must also favour marriage between two men or two women. They go further: Lynne Featherstone, the equalities minister, said opposition to gay marriage was fanning the flames of “dark ages” homophobia. This is unfortunate rhetoric. If anything, it is the Government’s attempt to change the law that risks reigniting anti-homosexual bigotry"

The Daily Telegraph leader column.
And you can fuck right off, too. 
With its endless stream of anti-gay marriage stories over the last two weeks, the flames of the Telegraph's homophobia have clearly never gone out.
What I find most depressing/infuriating about this is that they must have consciously decided to take an anti-gay editorial line.
That must have been a fun meeting.  

See also 'Cameron's Battle Begins: Determined to secure a legacy, the PM has picked a fight with his own voters' - New Statesman.

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