Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Sunday Times: I'm A Cliché

'It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single woman in possession of an empty diary and a lacklustre wardrobe must be in want of gay. It’s just common sense, right? Nowadays, every sensible person accepts that gay men are unequivocally brilliant, especially at really important stuff like warming up a dancefloor or icing an intentionally kitsch cupcake. Their dress sense is without equal, their hair impossibly velvety, to say nothing of their steady stream of hilarious one-liners, benevolent bitchiness and scatter cushions that are as well appointed as their abdominal muscles. I have sad news. 'The notion that all gay men are fun-loving, emotionally intelligent hotties is a myth — albeit an increasingly powerful one...'

The Sunday Times
So some gay men are rubbish/rubbish gays - who knew?!!
Apart from everyone, obviously?
Quite frankly, I'd rather be a gay cliché than write clichéd crap about gay clichés like this crap.
A record-breakingly pointless piece by someone called Giles Hattersley.
That first name again - Giles.
Some people just STINK of public school poshness, don't they?


  1. Reminds me of Milo Yiannopoulos in it's sheer self-loathing.

  2. Can you remind me who this Milo chap is, pls?

  3. Writes for The Telegraph and various other...things. He was on 10 O'clock live and was berated for being patronising and posh and stuffs.

    1. Can't recall ever seeing his name in print.
      Is he a big gayer???

  4. Massive, loves Thatcher etc.
    Read his sometimes mannered and thoughtful but sometimes petty scribblings here.

  5. Oh and he does something for The Catholic Herald.

  6. *Checks*

    Looks like he just does hall of mirrors "tech" stuff about "tech" on the Torygraph's website.


  7. I am disgusted at the lack of attention this "pointless" article has had. The article obviously had a point-to ridicule and denigrate gay men. It was in a magazine cover titled "in the family way" littered throughout with straight coupled ads and had a fashion spread titled "who's the daddy"featuring straight couples and men holding babies . The only mention of opposition to the article ,apart from this websites insignificant mention ,and vacuous following comments, is a blog by a straight woman. I'm really fucking disappointed at the lack of attention by gay men.The problem is that most of you Queens think your fucking above it all which in my mind is SAD!
