Saturday, 19 March 2011

Marriage Equality: I'm Still Waiting

"Heterosexual couples could soon win the right to form civil partnerships and gay and lesbians [sic] the right to marry in register offices under equality law reforms," according to The Times today.
Funny - on February 13th The Sunday Times announced on its front page; 'Gays Will Get Right To Marry'.
I don't like to gloat but Fagburn believes he was alone in pointing out that story was utter nonsense.
Can we ever trust them again etc etc...
Anyway, the only real news today is that The Times has used the term "marriage equality" in a headline - which is progress of sorts.
Basically The Times has just lifted some quotes from Theresa May's speech at that Stonewall conference yesterday - platitude fans may want to read her speech in full.
Fagburn's funniest line; "I am passionate about equality" - maybe you should vote for it then, Theresa?
None of this tells us anything we haven't been told before - like that we can get civilly partnered in churches and that soon.
We won't be getting married soon, but they are going to continue "consulting" - "talks about talks" - which we knew.
“There is also a desire to move towards equal civil marriage and partnerships and we will consult further on how legislation can develop, working with all those who have an interest in this area,” May wibbled.
Fuck knows who needs to be consulted "further" about this, though?
Kate Middleton?
Our Lord Beelzebub??
The mind positively boggles!

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