Saturday, 5 March 2011

Galliarseholegate: With Friends Like These

Today's front page of The Guardian tests the limits of censorship by featuring a photograph of a giant prick.
"A man outside the Rodin museum in Paris disagrees with the departure of John Galliano, fired by Dior for alleged [sic] antisemitic remarks..."
Oh do fuck off.


  1. I read that this morning and was a bit shocked by the "alleged" - how much proof do they need?
    You can't see in that picture, but the cunt with the "King is gone" sign is walking on HUGE heels. I really hope someone pushed him over.

  2. Yes. He looked even more of a dick in the full-length shot so you can see his leopard print ultra-high heels and (John Galliano!) real fur coat.
    Why does no-one take this man seriously!!!!

  3. Annie Lennox was on that Andrew Marr show on BBC1 yesterday morning and she was tripping over her words trying to defend Galliano.
    "We all have a shadow side" apparently, and Galliano is "an absolute genius".
    She said it was a sad and awful thing for him to say and she hopes he searches deep within his soul...
