Saturday, 19 March 2011

Global Bradley Manning Action Days: March 19th, 20th

"Government whistleblowers are part of a healthy democracy and must be protected from reprisal"
- Senator Barack Obama, 2008.

• UK Friends Of Bradley Manning have organised a rally for Bradley Manning at 2pm on Sunday outside the US Embassy in London.
Can't make it? Here are some other things you can do to support Bradley.
Bradley Manning Support Network.


  1. That's Bradley now, yes.
    The other dude had dark hair... and was fugly.

  2. Makes me so sad an angry.

  3. I got there about 2.30 and there weren't many people there.
    You can see photos here

    It's just not getting out about him and I doubt most people in this country even know his name let alone what he did and how he's being treated.
    Meanwhile, loads arrested over the weekend at the protest outside Quantico, including Daniel Ellsberg, who's like 80 years old.

  4. I think something's happened over the last week - so he's coming to consciousness in the UK. At last.
    We all need to keep up the pressure.

  5. Oh, that photo wasn't of our Bradley. It was of another Bradley Manning. Sorry to all...
