Friday, 4 March 2011

Fosters Ad: Australian For Queer

"Complaints of homophobia are brewing over the latest TV ad for Foster’s lager," claims a writer on the ever-hopeless Pink News.
"In the ad, Dean seeks advice from Australian duo, Brad and Dan, on how to deal with his friend, who has just asked him 'to rub sun cream on his back'.
"Dean is visibly uncomfortable about his friend’s request, as is one of the Australian pair, who proceed to give Dean advice on how to avoid looking gay during this 'delicate situation”.
Pink News' headline poses the titular question; 'Is The New Foster’s Ad Homophobic?'
Check out the readers comments - no-one thinks it's homophobic, many point out it satirises a straight man's fear of being thought gay.
How out-of-touch is Pink News!?

Update: Seeing as Pink News broke this story - which would be a world first for those dumbwits - I wonder if Fosters fed them it?
See also no-one thinking it's homophobic on Queerty's comments.

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