Sunday, 6 March 2011

Joke Of The Day: Michael Winner

'Hymie meets Mrs Cohen in the street. “Noo? What’s going on?” he asks. “Vell,” says Mrs Cohen, “I’ve got good news and bad news.” “What’s bad?” asks Hymie. “My son Jacob, he just told us he’s gay. My boy, suddenly he’s a gay.” “That’s not serious,” says Hymie. “Lots of talented people are gay. Nothing to worry about. What’s the good news?” “He’s marrying a doctor,” says Mrs Cohen.'

Michael Winner, apropos of nothing in his Sunday Times column.


  1. "Oy, by the vey!"

  2. Says more about Winner's attitude to women than to the gays. Seems to have escaped his notice that a straight man may also marry a doctor.

  3. Err... I think Michael Winner - for all his faults - may know that.
    Mrs Cohen would have loved both options - therein lies the (Jewish) humour...
