Friday, 11 March 2011

The Daily Mail: From the Message Boards.

Here's a few highlights from The Daily Mail message boards in response to the story; 'Gay pair who won cash from Christian B&B couple launch fight for more - and you are funding them'
Well, if it was in The Daily Mail, I guess it must be true*...

"These young men arn't doing themselves or their cause any favours. The photograph of them delighting in their 'victory' says it all."

"And this brigade want the general public to 'understand their plight' ?? Makes you nauseus just to think about THEIR conduct both in this and other matters ..... Pure unconcealed GREED ! Pray they lose it all !!!"
- J U Stanopinion, Down souf....

"My partner & I have both been divorced and have been together for 19 years but not married. If we had been turned away for this reason, we would just have found another B & B. What these people are doing is just vile, money grabbing and hurtful."
- Liz Redman, Tournon France

"I'm sure that all none gay people who have no negative feelings towards gay people are starting to despise people like you. You have definitely done damage to the integration and acceptance of gay people in the society because of your greed. And I hope your gay community turns on you."
John, Bonn.

That was just from the first few today. I don't think I can go on anymore - because of my sides.
But as the great Viv Stanshall would say now read on...

* Just to clarify, this story is completely bogus. Well done the Daily Mail another winner etc etc.


  1. I know - the sheer numbers are pretty bad - but they have a huge readership in America now.

  2. "I'm sure that all none gay people who have no negative feelings towards gay people are starting to despise people like you."

    Quote of the year!

  3. Here's one particularly lolztatsic comment: "As a heterosexual man, if I politely turned down a homosexual pass without any violence etc, I bet that would be interpreted as a homophobic act." (Arkley Barnet, 12:14) I'm guessing poor Arkley uses fear of prosecution as an excuse for all the shameful cottaging that politcal correctness has driven him to...

  4. @M "I'm guessing poor Arkley uses fear of prosecution as an excuse for all the shameful cottaging that politcal correctness has driven him to..."

    Ha ha! Most of them probably don't even realise how mad they sound/are.
