Sunday 22 September 2013

Owen Jones Watch: Hard Labour

Just a quick reminder that if you want to catch Owen Jones - gayby-faced icon of the new left - during the four-day Labour Party Conference in Brighton, he's only speaking at eight events this year.
Will there be a checked shirt quick costume change for each appearance?
Catch her while you can, boys!

PS As Owen-bashing has become a bit of a sport on the left, it's probably worth pointing out I like Mr Jones. 
But please, dear, don't let being a star columnist go to your head, like it did with too many others.

Update: Owen Jones reviews Downton Abbey; A fascinating insight into the quiet violence of the class system ****
This is not a satire!

Update2: Our Owen is declared the seventh most influential left-winger in Britain by the Daily Torygraph...

If Owen Jones were a singer, he’d be Martine McCutcheon warbling ‘This is my Moment’. He is ubiquitous and the go-to Left-wing commentator for any radio producer suffering a hangover who can’t be more original. He is a leading light in the People's Assembly movement. But what is his long-term goal? Where does he see himself in ten years' time? Frankly, we haven’t a clue, but he gets more media than the whole Labour front bench put together, so he must be doing something right.

This campy piece was written by Iain Dale, who, of ourse bitches them all - but this gay Tory has nothing but praise for Peter Tatchell (55)...
The only other player for #teamgay is Chris Bryant, who slips to 71.
Is politic's gay mafia now sleeping with the fishes?


  1. I like Owen Jones too but never again will I support that Tory trojan horse otherwise known as the Labour party.

  2. He is brilliant and lovely and so on, but I fear he's already been sucked into that vanity machine.
    I do think he's still a valuable check against the current idiocy and ineffectual Labour party.
    One recent thing is people writing that all Milliband had to do to stop the privatisation of the Royal Mail was to pledge to renationalise it, which would have fucked up any attempts to float the company before it went ahead,
    But so far, Milliband - despite continuously saying we should be fighting the Tories attempts to privatise it - has made no such pledge.
    Either he thinks the privatisation should be fought against (70% of people polled think privatising it is wrong, and the whole mail system will be fucked up beyond belief if it goes ahead: stamp prices rising upwards of a pound, multiple companies all competing for our mail, the areas in the outskirts of the UK who the Royal Mail has an obligation to deliver to will now be fucked, etc, etc) or he's just giving it lip-service in public but would prefer privatisation as another stick to beat the Tories with, ie. pure politics, rather than principle.

    We need Owen Jones and long may he continue, but to echo you, please, please, please, don't let it go to your head, Owen. You'll be no use to anyone then x

  3. Owen may be gay but he's certainly not part of the "British Gay Political Mafia" but rather seen as an extremist on the fringes - which isn't difficult considering the lack of actual Socialists in the Labour Party and the proliferation of "Tory Lite" types.

    He's also not anyone's "bitch" and his principles will hopefully prevent him from mixing business with pleasure as those who inhabit such monolith corporate gay entities such as Stonewall have sadly done so well.

    Owen for PM!
