Monday 23 September 2013

Michael Alig: Almost Free At Last!

Michael Alig was imprisoned in the ‘90s for collaborating on the murder of a clubbie named Angel Melendez. Alig was the outrageous promoter who would have loved the idea of urine-filled chalices, though his kicky debauchery turned to way more unsavory mayhem as all boundaries seemed to drop off like an escort’s BVDs.

Well, double bolt your doors, because an insider tells me that Alig is getting out of Elmire Prison before Thanksgiving [November 28th]. The facility approves this move: Alig’s just waiting for the green light from Albany, and it looks like it’s happening very soon. Once released, Alig will live in the Bronx with an ex-club kid friend of his, with whom he can compare any unused drink tickets. He’s finishing his memoir, Aligula, and plans to have an art show of his paintings. And what does he want to do for an actual living? “What you do,” the insider told me. “Michael wants to be a pop culture writer and commentator.” Oh, shit. I can just imagine what he’ll do to get my job.

Michael Musto, queen of New York gay gossip scene on Out.

Wonderful news!
Fagburn once interviewed Michael live from prison.
A charming, enchanting and very witty man, I thought, as drug-crazed killers go.
At the end I asked if he'd record a message for my answerphone; "Hi, this is Michael Alig. Richard's not here right now, so leave a message... OR I'LL KILL YOU!"
He laughed and said; "That's too sick!", but I managed to talk him round.

PS I'm pretty sure this is Michael's Twitter account - at least James St James swaps tweets with him, though that could be a fake account too...

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