Tuesday 24 September 2013

Iain Dale: Another Kind Of Gay Bashing

Leading gay Tory blogger, broadcaster and publisher, Iain Dale, attacks a man for exercising his democratic right to protest outside the Labour party conference on Brighton seafront this morning.
ITV1 were filming an interview with Gordon Brown's former spin doctor Damian McBride, whose Labour-bashing book, Power Trip, the ever-so Conservative Mrs Dale is publishing.
Only adds further evidence to Fagburn's theory that gay Tories tend to be violent nutters.
Iain has given his version of his events on his blog. 
He thinks it's all rather amusing that he attacked an elderly peace protester. 
The poor frightened doggy was unavailable for comment.

Update: And in other news...
Regular viewers may recall Fagburn was arrested in April for shouting "Fuck off, you fat Nazi!" at someone on an EDL march on Brighton seafront.
Let's see what action the police take against Mr Dale.
As Iain's quite big on getting tough on law and order how about temporarily bringing back public flogging?

Update: Another video with commentary; Multi-millionaire Iain Dale Beats Up Impoverished Old Man.

On Thursday Sussex Police said they were letting this right-wing hooligan off with a caution.
If you've ever been arrested for peacefully protesting, why not let them and the media know what you think about this


  1. His attitude says everything. The man was in a public space for fucks sake. In his defence on his shitty blog Dale said he was "protecting" his author. From what? It's bollocks. He says before that that he was concerned the protestor was distracting attention from the interview, which is what he was really protecting: his money interests. So he felt justified in assaulting an elderly man in a public space to protect his profit margin.

  2. Sussex Police arrested Caroline Lucas for peaceful protest recently, awaiting trial
