Tuesday 19 February 2013

Fagburn: Apart From The Overwhelming Sense Of Absolute Futility And Despair Everything Is Brilliant

You can't say you weren’t warned. I told you the ‘diversity’ brigade wouldn’t rest at gay weddings.
For the past few years the equalities industry has been seeking out new frontiers with the determination of a Star Trek captain.
Having secured the rights of homosexuals to marry and adopt children, the equality warriors are escalating the battle on the transgender front...

Richard Littlejohn, the Daily Mail, on a false report about how we'll all be goose-marched to same-sex toilets by loony lefty councils.
Always reassuring to see a Mail columnist getting angry about a story they made up.

Television illusionist Derren Brown has denied reports that he will turn a gay man straight and make a straight man attracted to men for his latest stunt.
Brown, 41, was quoted in The Sun as saying: 'I was thinking about this the other day — it would be interesting wouldn’t it? To take a gay guy and make him straight and a straight guy and make him gay.
But he took to Twitter this evening to deny reports that he will use the concept as the basis of his next show.
He tweeted: 'Article in @thesunnewspaper saying that my next show is about changing sexuality: total rubbish.
'Thanks for that, being printed everywhere as fact.'

Daily Mail.

All bollocks, basically.
As per on here yesterday.
So a newspaper denies a story a journalist made-up.
This happens every day.
Twelve times.
Sometimes, I just despair.
How long can you complain about journalists who can neither write nor read?
And who can't even reprint a fucking press release without getting something wrong.
Or who are trapped in a vortex of their own paper's gobbledygook and balls?
How many times can you call out gay journalists who think their job is just to reprint lies from the straight press? 
Sometimes I feel like a boring old teacher marking thick kids' homework.
"No. No. Not true. No. Wrong. No. No. That's stupid..." 


  1. They're like rabid dogs, FB, going mad before they die. [**Subs, pls chk if rabid dogs go mad before they die**]

  2. The tendency of online LGBT sites to hastily write up an 'article' based on whatever vile crap the Telegraph or the Mail has spewed up without basic, rudimentary fact and/or inherent prejudice checking is pretty fucking worrying TBH...they're selling us all out for banner ad impressions.
