Saturday 16 February 2013

Caitlin Moran: Only Askin'

Pete Paphides - that's "Mr Moran" to you - responds;

“Cate. I’m going to make a very mild suggestion here. It is that you might be spending slightly too long hanging out with your gay friends. Whatever the multiplicity of positive aspects that gay culture has brought us – and however loath I am to ever make a crass generalisation about an entire disparate demograph of people, all ultimately impossible to unite under a single, notable trope – they do think everyone is secretly gay, and I think that might have crept into your analysis of our 18-year heterosexual marriage, during which I have never once asked you to dress as a soldier, put on a pair of tighty-whities or, in any way, ever, be a man. I’m very, very sorry, but I’m straight.”

The Times.

I can't be arsed to check, but I bet there's a gaggle of silly queens on Twitter who've taken offence at this sweet piece.
"Caitlin Moran? Catty MORON more like!!!" etc etc.


  1. Having seen his photo on the world wide internet I am sure and sure glad that he is not gay.

  2. A gaggle of queens - is that the proper collective noun?

  3. How about an 'Uncivil List of Queens' ?
