Thursday 7 February 2013

Daily Mail: From The Message Boards

I am 20 years-old and consider myself a conservative voter with liberal views, and like most people, I have gay friends. But I am also a Christian, who believes that a marriage should be between a man and woman in a church. I told my fellow course-mates this in a lecture, during a debate. I was quickly labelled a 'homophobe' and a indeed, a 'bigot' for saying this. My overly left-wing lecturer also scowled at me for holding this view, as if I was proposing the slaughter of small puppies. Why can't we have a sensible debate about this without being bullied by so-called 'liberals'? 

What do you mean "Like most people, I have gay friends". I don't have any gay friends, my family don't have gay friends and most if not all the people I know DON'T have gay friends. If you move in those circles I suppose you get to believe nearly everyone is 'gay'. Well they are NOT.

Well said - I don't have any homosexual friends, either, nor do my family, their friends, nor is anyone I work with (30 people), and even if someone is, it would appear they treat it as a personal and private matter and would receive my respect for doing so. Everyone I have spoken to about this ridiculous homosexual marriage business is against it and angry at MPs for promoting it. I am willing to live in tolerance of homosexuality but when their way of life starts to assault those things - such as marriage - that I hold dear, then my tolerance stops.

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