Friday 17 August 2012

Pussy Riot: Guilty!!?

Looks like three years.
One year for singing a song, presumably.
One for singing it in a church.
And one for being rude about your president.
Oh, those Russians...

PS And in other news today, they've also upheld a ban on gay marches in Moscow for the next 100 years. The police used to stand by and watch as neo-Nazis used to beat up people on pride marches in Moscow, how ironic that Pussy Riot get imprisoned for "hooliganism" for singing a song.

Update: Two years! In a penal colony!!
A supporter interviewed on PM outside the courtroom said all the - otherwise inspirational - support in the West may have made things worse by angering the "strong man" leader, Putin, who wants to be shown to be standing up against "foreign interference".
Always a potential problem in international campaigns - it's been often said about support for LGBTs in, say, Zimbabwe - usually by African activists...
Update: Or in Uganda.


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  2. PRINCE OF SNARKNESS17 August 2012 at 18:59

    is it childish that i get endless fuckin fun hearing plummy bbc radio 4 newsreaders saying "PUSSY"?
    i should grow the the fuck up.

    1. Have to say I'm not entirely sure they should be leading with the Pussies over the small matter of a massacre in South Africa...
