Saturday 29 October 2011

Weekend: Next Weekend

The Weekend lovefest continues apace.
Here's Tim Robey metaphorically spunking over director Andrew Haigh's face in the Daily Telegraph;
'The new British movie 'Weekend’ depicts a romance between two men with such intimacy and optimism that it is drawing audiences of all persuasions.'
While Tim "Timmy Teacakes" Teeman shot his load in The Times yesterday;
'Could this small British movie be the best relationship film ever — and not just a gay one?'
(Tim also gives away the ending - SPOILER ALERT! etc).
Note how both pieces stress its appeal to non-homosexual types - is that how they pitched it to their editors?
Are we supposed to be surprised?
I've enjoyed many, many films about straight people falling in love...
November's Attitude asks on its cover "Weekend: The Best British Gay Film Ever?"
But then you realise the competition's not exactly that great, is it?
Which is a recurring riff in writing about Weekend.
Is it any good?
Don't ask me, I ain't seen it yet - but I will dutifully trot along to my local arthouse cinema when it opens next weekend.
Obviously I won't pronounce forth until I've actually watched it, but seeing as most of the people who've been raving about it are posh gay tits I can't stick - and who thought "Wow! They made my boring bourgeois wannabe hipster life into a movie with two fit blokes!" - I'll almost certainly hate it.


  1. So presumably in the actual film the nauseatingly saccharine narcissism of the trailer is kept to a minimum?

  2. I think "narcissism" is the key word here...

  3. Most reviews seem to be written one-handed.

  4. Nothing like keeping an open mind before you actually see it, dear.

  5. Are you reviewing the film or the reviewers?

    Maybe you should check where the director went to school so you can be sure and give it a really objective review.


  6. ^

    "Obviously I won't pronounce forth until I've actually watched it"

    Can you read?

    Keep an open mind or else!!!


  7. We saw it today in Seattle--it's showing in just one theater in the whole of the city, in the gay ghetto. In the end, it's a surprisingly sweet - natured film, although I can't imagine hetero people flocking to it at all. The leads didn't strike me as hipsters. Hetero people who see it, if they do, are likely to leave the theater thinking The Gays certainly do a lot of coke, and not much else.

  8. ^ The whole thing looks like an Attitude sub-Butt/Wolfgang Tillmans photoshoot...

  9. "The whole thing looks like an Attitude sub-Butt/Wolfgang Tillmans photoshoot..."

    They should put that on the posters!!
