Friday 21 October 2011

Stonewall: Investing In Death

Stonewall have just launched their new subsite - Proud Employers.
"Jobs with LGB friendly employers".
No T for trans - natch.
Proud Employers main "Founding Partner" is Barclays.
Barclays are the biggest UK investor in the arms trade - worth £7.3 billion (War On Want).
Which would buy you a hell of a lot of cluster bombs.
The second founding partner is Credit Suisse - the tax-dodger's friend.
Third are the Earth-destroying crooks at BP.
So fucking proud!


  1. "Jobs with LGB friendly employers".
    No T for trans - natch.

    Why haven't they included trans I wonder?
    That seems totally shitty.

  2. Stonewall have always ignored trans people.
    But it seems particularly shitty here...

  3. Stonewall see their main political aim as having been accomplished. Now they just want to make a bit of cash.

    Cluster-bombs have now been banned though, so it's unlikely they'll be buying very many.

  4. I am getting rather sick of those so called gays and their relationships with vile multinationals like Barclays.

    I was reading that mag the other day produced by hose tits over at Square Peg Media, I have now made a commitment to remove any copies from venues I frequent. And would like to invite your readers to do the same. who gives a shit about how unethical their business is as long as they are nice to The Gays.

  5. ^^^ "Despite global calls for a ban, banks continue pumping billions into cluster munitions, including two of Britain’s biggest names: HSBC has underwritten $665 million bonds for Textron, the US firm which claims its products leave a “clear battlefield.” Barclays Bank lent $222 million, as well as funding Lockheed Martin."
