Sunday 16 October 2011

Huffington Post: Lame Voices

Huffington Post launched a new section Monday, Gay Voices.
Thus far it's been disappointingly dull, predictable and worthy.
And boy, do they need an editor.
Most idiotic article; 'Where Are The Gay Nobel Prize Winners?'
Oh do fuck off.
The one glimmer of hope is their (British) contributor The Guyliner.
Here's something he wrote earlier for the Huff; Sorry, 'Straight-Acting' Boys, But Gay Stereotypes Exist Despite You... Get Over It.
I'm quite the fan - and really hope they don't limit him to a Gaydar Dates From Hell column.
He's way better than that.


  1. That's deffo Russell Tovey he's talking about on the plane gossiping. :D

  2. Straight - it's the new gay: reminded me of this comedy sketch
