Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Fagburn: Media Studies Masterclass

Why is this front page news?
"Because it's about someone who's trans."
So, basically, if someone trans does something it's a big story?
"That's kinda how it works, yes. These people are odd!"
Is that it?
"No, she also used to be a 'squaddie' - we dig the seeming incongruity."
What's a "squaddie"?
"It's what we call soldiers, though no-one else does, but we think it's what working-class people say, cause we're not completely out of touch and didn't all go to public school or nuffink."
Okay. But why is this story of any interest to anyone who doesn't know her?
"Cause she's a muslim. Trans muslim squaddie - it's tabloid bingo!"
Was this all made-up?
How could this story be more exciting for you?
"If she was on Celebrity Big Brother and says she slept with Russell Brand."
Yeah right. Like that's gonna happen...
Update: See also how everyday minor incidents become national news if someone involved is a drag queen; Exhibit A and Exhibit B.

1 comment:

  1. Heh. I have nothing to add to this (except, here in Scotland at least, "squaddie" is definitely a term which is used).
