Can't believe the alphabet soup has been extended to LGBTQPIA. Is it only straight men with a comb over, a car coat and a whippet excluded?The Guardian continues to add to the gaiety of the nation with a new instalment of leading lesbian comedian Julie Bindel's look at the state of the queer "family" in modern Britain.
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) September 12, 2013
Which is like asking Richard Littlejohn to write about muliticultural Britain.
Hilariously this week's trite meandering is titled Lesbians and gay men: One happy family, or world's apart?
This is from the lesbigot Bindel who's already decided not to include transsexuals in her survey - because she's transphobic.
And also doesn't consider bisexuals part of the family - because she's biphobic.
She also doesn't like gay men very much.
The feeling's mutual - watch this video to see the sort of warm reception Bindel gets from the LGBT community whenever she speaks in public.
So, all in all, a perfect author for this series, and I can't wait for the barking book she's milking out of all the readers' comments.
Beats working!
@mrsnickyclark @mePadraigReidy It is a wonder it isn't for 'paedophile'. Queer movement used to support Paedo Info Exchange (PIE)
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) September 12, 2013
I was done with her around this time: