Friday, 6 September 2013

Gay Star News: Holy Crap

Pope 'calls student to say it's ok to be gay' 

Pope Francis has stunned Catholics and gay people around the world alike by reportedly calling a gay student to tell him his sexuality does not matter.  
Christophe Trutino, 25 from Toulouse in France, had written to the head of the Catholic Church as he was terrified he was going to hell for being gay...
Pope Francis has stunned Catholics and gay people around the world alike by reportedly calling a gay student to tell him his sexuality does not matter.
Christophe Trutino, 25 from Toulouse in France, had written to the head of the Catholic Church as he was terrified he was going to hell for being gay.
- See more at:

Gay Star News, September 6th.

UPDATE: The Vatican categorically denies the Pope called a French 25-year-old student to reassure him over his sexuality.

Gay Star News, a bit later.

Congratulations to GSN for running this nonsense with their usual admirable uncritical credulity.

PS Other great gay hoaxes of recent times - Montana man admits he faked his own gay-bashing. Queerty.

Pope 'calls student to say it's ok to be gay'

UPDATE: The Vatican categorically denies the Pope called a French 25-year-old student to reassure him over his sexuality
- See more at:

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