Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Daniel Radcliffe: Media Gaga

Daniel Radcliffe aims for a new kind of magic in Freddie Mercury biopic

Harry Potter star is sought to replace Sacha Baron Cohen after the Borat actor bit the dust over alleged creative differences Harry Potter star is sought to replace Sacha Baron Cohen after the Borat actor bit the dust over alleged creative differences

The Guardian.

This story has "gone viral" - just like dysentery did.
There are now over 75 (and counting) news stories internationally on Google News.
Like The Guardian, their source is "an unnamed source" in Sunday's Daily Star - I Wand To Break Free! Daniel Radcliffe To Play Freddie Mercury.
Eh? An unnamed source in the Star??!
No need to check that, then!
Precious few expressed any doubt - I've yet to see any hack that's tried to check it - the gay media in particular have taken it as gospel.
Fagburn has offered a simple challenge...

I wonder if anyone will?
Bit hopeful asking journalists to maintain basic journalistic standards, I know. 
I wouldn't hold your breath - how many media have reported the statement from the Olympics organising committee; "There have never been any negotiations with Cher about her possible participation in the ceremonies."
Mind you, that was about the Great Satan Russia so you can lie as much as you want.

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