Tuesday, 24 September 2013

David Blunkett: Behold His Rivers Of Blood Speech

"I think we have a job in this country, in a civilised, free, open democracy, to protect ourselves from the most bestial activities and from dangers that would undermine a civilised nation."
Drawing a parallel with Germany before the rise of the Nazis, he suggested a loose moral climate had fed the paranoia and fear that had allowed Adolf Hitler to flourish.
"In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Berlin came as near as dammit to Sodom and Gomorrah. There was a disintegration of what you might call any kind of social order.
"People fed on that - they fed people's fears of it. They encouraged their paranoia. They developed hate about people who had differences, who were minorities.
"There always has had to be some balance, in terms of the freedom of what we want to do, for ourselves and the mutual respect and the duty we owe to each other in a collective society. I think getting it right is the strength of a democracy."

Rancid reactionary homophobe David Blunkett, speaking at a Labour Party Conference fringe meeting on the evils of online pornography.
So Mr Blunkett believes the brief blossoming of gay life in Weimar Berlin brought Hitler to power?
I hope all those bestial queers the Nazis sent to concentration camps realised they only had themselves to blame.
This is the sort of "Rome fell!" "The barbarians are at the gate!" rhetoric you expect from the rabid right.
And people flip their wig when Godfrey Bloom jokes about cleaning behind the fridge.
What an utter, utter cunt!

PS Note Blunkett is using the same "This is exactly how Hitler started!" anti-reasoning beloved of the "Boycott Russia!" bozos, and is coming out with the sort of anti-gay crap that, if a Russian politician said it, they'd use to "prove" Russia is fast becoming a fascist state...


  1. This is exactly how Hitler started. By blaming the victims.

  2. Blunkett once said the NHS was the biggest mistake of the post-war Labour government.

  3. There is no doubt in my mind that S. Duckworth Esquire has some [I]fascinating[/I] opinions to express about this.

  4. Was it the wanking that made hin blind?
