Sunday, 29 September 2013

Morrissey: Wolverhampton Civic Hall 1988

The first solo gig, a film by Tim Broad.
Rumoured to have meant to be The Smiths' farewell.
I prefer to think of it as La Mozz's big FU to Johnny, by getting the group back together without him.
Forgotten what a honey Craig Gannon was.
Unhappy days *sigh*...

PS Oh bumders - just realised this was 25 years ago! I'm practically dead, dudes.

• Thanks to Zoot. Bracing myself to write about David Cameron and Teh Gayz And Maridge, otherwise today there is no news. I'm ignoring today's stale guff about the stupid pasta boycott and that sodding Inflatable Gay Best Friend, for the sake of my last shred of sanity.

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