Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Letter To The Editor: Gay Times

The Times.*
The title given to this letter may suggest a pro-gay bias on the part of a sub-editor.
But does The Times still support marriage equality? 
Here's columnist Norman Finkelstein today.

David Cameron is being advised by some of his MPs to drop the proposal because it is so unpopular. But this isn’t true. It is unpopular with over-65s. It is strongly popular — something like two to one — with all other age groups and all social classes. For every one person under the age of 40 who opposes gay marriage, nearly five support it. And they regard opposition to it as rather odd.
The Conservative Party cannot, of course it cannot, dismiss older voters or ignore their concerns. It needs to reassure them that their central concerns are being addressed and that their opinions matter. It needs to find inventive ways — the benefit cap is a good example, the European referendum another — to talk to these voters and a wider constituency at the same time...
Britain can have governments of the right, but they will be open, socially liberal, moderate, ethnically diverse, optimistic and willing to compromise or they will not win power. That message, after all, put David Cameron in Downing Street in 2010.

A cynic might think this means The Times support the Tories supporting gay marriage as long as it doesn't cost them too much support from voters, but same as it ever was.

* A recent YouGov poll also suggested gay marriage was not a big concern among potential Ukip voters.

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