Friday, 24 May 2013

George Michael Crash: Latest

The Sun says this. The Mirror says that. The Sun says this. The Mirror says that. The Sun says this. The Mirror says that. The Sun says this. The Mirror says that. The Sun says this. The Mirror says that. The Sun says this. The Mirror says that. The Sun says this. The Mirror says that....

The Sun, and their late unlamented sister paper News Of The World, hate George Michael.
The feeling's mutual. 
When the NOTW closed down he declared it "a fantastic day for Britain", and went out to get pissed on Old Compton Street.
But they know you can print pretty much anything about George because he's known on Fleet Street for not suing.
The Mirror is George's pet paper, where he's always done his big interviews etc.
During this latest saga, stories in The Sun have been swiftly contradicted by ones in the Mirror quoting his PR, Connie Filippello.
Obviously, they can't both be right.
Maybe they could both be wrong. 
The new twist comes from someone claiming to have witnessed the accident.
Katherine Fox has some glamour photos of herself posing by the Mini she was driving in the Daily Mail.
Which is what you'd do, right?
Remember when George was hospitalised last last Christmas - the papers contradicted themselves every day. 
I think it's safe to assume we won't know what's really happened here for a while. 
If you read anything in the tabloids about George Michael, please bear in mind it's probably balls.

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